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Favorite Pics
Here you can find some of our favorite pics.

Goku-Special Pic

This is a pretty cool pic with Goku in several forms

Cell Saga Pic
This is just a group snippete from the Cell Saga.
Great Saiyaman, Chibi Trunks and Goten, And Goku Pic
I just found this to be a pretty cool group pic.
SSJ Group Pic
A pretty cool SSJ group pic but with that little DBZ cool effect.
DBGT Group Pic--Videl, Gohan, Goku(Angel), Chibi Trunks and Goten
This pic reminds me of the fun and happy times in the part of GT where there aren't any bad guys that need to die.
Gohan fun pic
This pic just shows Gohan flying and smiling or having fun.

Fusion Dance!!!
Chibi Goku..SSJ!!!
SSJ 3 Goku doing a Kame Hame Ha

This is my DBZ Collage i made.
uh oh... the fusion wore off!
This is the one-handed Kamehameha wave that Gohan used to defeat Cell

The DBZ House