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Here's where you can find all the stuff about SSJs.

Gogeta (left)
Gogeta is a Super Saiya-jin. He is the result of Vegeta and Goku fusing. When both Vegeta and Goku are SSJ4 and they fuse, it creates SSJ4 Gogeta.
Vegeta is the Saiyan Prince. His father is, or was, King Vegeta. He lived on Planet Vegeta, the home planet of all Saiyans. Goku is also from Planet Vegeta.
Goku is the Legendary Saiyan that comes every 1000 years. He can turn all the SSJ levels. He is the most powerful being on Earth. Like I said before, he is also from Planet Vegeta and has extraordinary power levels. In the clip he is SSJ3 and he is beating up Little Buu.
Great Saiyaman/Gohan(right)
Great Saiyaman, or Gohan, is the son of Goku, which makes him half-SJ. His power changes when his emotions change when he is younger, but when he grows up, he defeats Cell with a one-handed Kamehamea. He turns SSJ1,SSJ2, and evidence from a rare pic shows that he also turns SSJ4.

Trunks, the son of Bulma and Vegeta, is half-SJ, and when he's 13, he trains under Adult Gohan to turn SSJ so he could fight the Androids 17 and 18. He turned SSJ after the Androids killed Gohan.


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