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Here you can find a list of many attacks done on DB/DBZ/DBGT.

Big Bang Attack
This attack is Vegeta's first attack. He invented it while he was in SSJ form. He raises his right hand, charges it for a extremely short time, then he lets a powerful ball of energy shoot out from his palm towards whoever he's fighting.
Who does it: Vegeta
  Chou Kame Hame Ha, or Ultimate Kame Hame Ha
This is just like the regular Kame hame ha, except it a little bit more powerful. It was used in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai against Piccolo.
Who does it: Goku

Chou Genki Dama or Ultimate Energy Ball
This is like the regular Genki Dama, except a lot more powerful because it is "filled to the brim" with power.
Who does it: Goku

Kaio-ken Technique
This is a unique attack that has only been mastered by Goku. It increases his power, speed, and senses. It can "upgraded" several times. In Goku's fight against Vegeta, he was able to raise it to Kaio-ken 4x. In the fight against Freeza he was able to raise it to Kaio-ken 20x. The downside to this attack is that it is unstable and can kill the user if they remain in the state for too long. This attack is obsolete after Goku becomes a Super Saiya-jin.

Kakusan Yuudou Kikou Ha, or Scatter Shot
This is one of the coolest attacks I've seen Piccolo do. He sends hundreds of energy balls into the air and surrounds his opponent with them. The energy balls hang in mid-air for a second, and then he lets them fly right towards the enemy. This causes one huge explosion. Piccolo used this a little while after he fused with Kami, when he fought with Android 18. Who does this: Piccolo

Kame Hame Ha, or Turtle Destruction Blast
This move is the signiture move of DB, DBZ, and DBGT. The user gathers energy between the palms of their hands and then releases it. The technique was invented by Master Roshi, and it took him fifty years to perfect it. It was performed by Goku after only having seen the move done once. The name was thought up of by Akira Toriyama's wife. The name Kamehamea was the name of a Hawaiian king in 1842. Who does this: Goku, Master Roshi, Grandpa Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Gohan, Tien, Cell, Trunks, Majin Buu

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